Digital Publishing Hub
Help for publishers and students of publishing



Add Multimedia to Your web site

We are using GitHub pages to host a web site for the Shakespeare play. This page explains how to add video and audio to the web page.

This document last edited on: 2020-04-27 11:55

Editing inside the ePUB package

When we have created a reflowable ePub by exporting from InDesign, we may find that there are some stylistic details that need tidying up, changing or even correcting. Not all aspects of our wonderfully crafted typographic design work will give perfect results in the ePub.

This document last edited on: 2022-03-10

InDesign to HTML and CSS

HTML is the language for the web; delivering content for our various types of screens. InDesign is a *page layout* tool; presuming for the printed page, but we can still generate HTML from our content and with some attention to detail, we can can get good HTML markup ready for further styling and attention to a responsive design.

This document last edited on: 2020-01-15